From Fear to Faith, 2

Waiting can be so frustrating. The average American spends 58.6 hours a year waiting at traffic intersections. If you’re anything like me, I struggle to decide what is more vexing: waiting at traffic lights each day or waiting in line at the DMV on occasion. Whichever it is, it’s obvious that we Americans are conditioned to resent the waiting game. “We must have it now” is the standard of living. For example, consider the rate at which our technology is developed or how quickly it operates. Not only does this feed our appetite, but it is symptomatic of our “insta-world” kind of culture. In like manner, this is why it’s no surprise that we Christians easily grow anxious or even annoyed while waiting on God. What we learn from Habakkuk this week is that God is outside of time; He operates according to His good and timely plan, not ours. Waiting for God can be one of the most difficult aspects of our Christian faith. I find it a lot easier to trust God when I have direction and a seemly clear plan going forward. But when it comes to waiting, not going and not knowing is when my faith really struggles. Habakkuk finds himself confused and perhaps even frustrated with God’s plan and timing; yet, God instructs him to wait—His plan is not delayed (2:3). God is working in ways we cannot see or comprehend (1:5). One of the worst things we can do is depart from the path with a “lone ranger” mentality, thinking our plan is best. Consider how that went for Abraham and Hagar, Aaron and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, King Saul at Gilgal, or David seeking refuge at Gath. As difficult as it is to wait, the fact of the matter is, God uses waiting for His redemptive and sanctifying purposes to teach us greater dependence on Him. This tendency to push God aside or to doubt His sovereignty creates distance in our relationship with Him, and it will only end in even greater frustration and regret. May we be humble enough to trust the God who is in total and absolute control while we learn to keep silent before Him as we patiently wait (2:20). –Pastor Nate Wagner

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Pastor Rory–Titus 2:15-3:3–Speaking Submission

10AM: Pastor Rory–Habakkuk 2:2-20From Fear to Faith, 2 (sermon notes)

6PM: Pastor Nate–Hebrews 10:26-39–Do Not Sink! 

Categories: Sunday Stuff