Liberty Baptist Church is a community of evangelical followers of Jesus Christ aiming to be the body of Christ described in Ephesians 4:11-16.
We believe that the church is designed by God with the structure and elements that help Christians become better followers of Jesus.
- Equipping: We have pastors and teachers who equip us for ministry to each other; this happens at our regular weekly gatherings.
- Ministering: We use what we learn in our gatherings to minister to and build up each other until we all reach the maturity of the fullness of Christ.
- Unifying: We know we’ve reached this maturity as we grow in our unity in the faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God.
These structures and elements protect us from doctrinal fads built on human wisdom rather than the truths of Scripture, and they work to make us all more like Jesus. This is how the church functions to represent God’s kingdom on earth in this age.
That means . . .
- We are more than a social club.
- We are more than a building.
- We are more than an event.
- We are more than a ritual.
If you’d like to join us in this pursuit, please contact us with questions or for more information.