Children have a unique way of teaching the older generation important life lessons. As an adult, it’s natural for us to think of children as the primary recipients of knowledge and instruction. Generally speaking, much of their existence involves schooling and parental engagement as they grow into adulthood. But the reality is, raising two little girls under the age of three is teaching me invaluable lessons about myself as an individual, my spiritual deficiencies, my values, and my perspective on life. All children share at least one thing in common—dependence on their parent or guardian.
Jesus says in Matthew 18, “Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (v3). The kingdom will be made up of children, He says. Our status in the kingdom, eternally speaking, will be that of a dependent child, and illustrated in the love and trust of a child. In our conversion, we do not become self-sufficient and independent. We are converted to the knowledge of our own insufficiency and the limitless infinite sufficiency of Christ. Rather than trying to stand on our own two feet, we become completely dependent on the all-sufficient grace of Christ. That is how the early church was born. It was made up of children who humbly believed, and that is how the church is today. The family of God is made up of children who welcome others who are children. May we recognize our helplessness and obey the commands of Christ as we humble ourselves like that of child and confess our dependence on Christ while we long for His kingdom to come.
– Pastor Nate
Sunday at Liberty
AM: Pastor Rory–Matthew 17:24-18:14–The Messiah’s Family Relationships, 1 (sermon notes)
PM: Virtual Hymn Sing via GoogleMeet at– 6:00pm
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