Anything hated by God must be bad. Proverbs 6:12-19 outlines some attitudes and actions that God hates along with the consequences they bring. What is interesting is that the list might not be what we expect. Perhaps we might expect to see sins that we would never commit, but the list includes sins that every one of us commit: haughty eyes, lying tongues, murderous hands, wicked hearts, feet running to evil, false witnessing, and strife spreading. The characteristics of the wicked or worthless man of v12-15 is paralleled with these hated sins in his perverse mouth, winking eyes, signaling feet, and pointing fingers. He is devising evil and spreading strife. So along with the wicked man, we who have participated in the things which God hates will face the consequences of v15: sudden calamity and brokenness beyond healing. It’s a grim picture. While we might be tempted to read these verses and think about how much better we are than others if we avoid these sins, the reaction the writer wants is not more pride. The reaction the writer and all the Scriptures are eliciting is humility. We are all in bad shape marked by attitudes and actions that will destroy us and are hated by God. The desperation of this reality must drive us to our knees and dependence on God’s mercy. We’ve already proven ourselves deserving of calamity and brokenness. We are rightfully objects of God’s hatred, His enemies. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ . . . and raised us up with Him” (Eph 2:5-6). Although we all have sinned, we can also be justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Rm 3:23-24). This is good news to enemies of God deserving calamity and brokenness, for it is the promise of being made right with God, righteousness in spite of our unrighteousness. What a beautiful and hopeful message is the gospel. What a gracious and merciful God we serve! –Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Pastor Rory–Attitudes in Prayer: Intercession
10AM: Pastor Rory–Wisdom’s Walk, 1–Proverbs 6:1-35 (sermon notes)
6PM: 2nd Qtr Members’ Meeting
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