There are seasons of life when the presence of God may seem distant. The reasons for this can vary a great deal. But in the end, it always comes back to our human perspective, regardless of how skewed it might be. God does not always meet our expectations, and that’s okay. How we respond to God’s apparent silence or lack of intervention says something about our faith. Do we trust Scripture’s promises that God will never leave us nor forsake us? Do you believe that He will draw near to you if you draw near to Him, or that His rod and staff will comfort you as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, or that you need not fear or be dismayed since God is with you? When we actually experience the “silence” of God, it is rather unsettling. But do we rely on what we know to be true or do we respond by how we emotionally feel? In Revelation 11, God mightily works through two of His prophets, protecting them and empowering them for nearly 3.5 years. After successfully and powerfully proclaiming God’s word in the most hostile environment, the beast from the abyss wages war on them and eventually kills them. Their bodies lay cold and still in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days. The world celebrates their death, creating a sort of twisted holiday that includes gift-giving and global jubilation. It is not difficult to imagine how God’s people might feel at that moment. Such a defeat will have galvanized God’s enemy, strengthening their resolve and support for the Beast. Where is God now? How could He let this happen? But what ends up happening is quite shocking. John records that God breathed life back into their two dead bodies, raising them up and calling them home. When we are tempted to doubt God or question His methods, we have good reason to trust His promises. —Pastor Nate
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: How to Study the Bible–Interpreting Wisdom Literature
10AM: Pastor Rory Martin–Witnesses & Woe–Revelation 11:1-14 (sermon notes)
5:00PM: Potluck
5:30PM: Questions 4 Today–How Should Christians Live in a Secular Culture?
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