In Ephesians 6 Paul emphasizes that the struggles the Ephesian church faced were not a matter of flesh and blood, but a spiritual struggle against unseen forces of wickedness. We have no reason to think that the same isn’t true for us. Still, we find it hard to believe. When we can’t see the foe, what is seen draws our focus. When we see Christianity relegated in our culture or we see biblical morality dismissed as irrelevant, we identify the foe as the people who stand against us rather than as rulers, powers, and world forces of this darkness. Revelation 12 pulls back the curtain on the world in which we live and explains what’s behind the scenes of the events in both the past and the future. The work of God to redeem His people has been and will continue to be an epic, cosmic battle, and we as God’s people, might feel as though we are mere collateral damages. However, what God reveals is that He is actively using all of His infinite power and creative work to defend, protect, and deliver His people. That doesn’t mean things will be easy, but we can be confident that God is working in this cosmic battle to accomplish His plan and deliver His people. We can be further confident that God will win in the end. In many ways, Revelation 12 is a spoiler for the rest of the book. God wins, His people are delivered, and Satan is destroyed. With that confidence, let us live in hope. God is working His purpose and displaying His glory! –Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: How to Study the Bible–NT Epistles
10AM: Pastor Rory Martin–Woman & Dragon, 1–Revelation 12:1-17 (sermon notes)
5PM: Evening Potluck at the Martins’
6PM: Evening Gathering at the Martins’–Daniel 10:1-15
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