As Revelation 13 ends we see nearly everyone on earth regardless of class marked as belonging to the beast. Those who refuse the beast’s mark will be unable to buy or sell and will be persecuted to the point of death. However, even as the beast marks those who belong to him, the Lamb has already marked those who belong to God. In chapter 7 they were literally marked with the name of the Lamb and His Father on their foreheads, but they have two other marks that distinguish them from those marked by the beast. Their first mark is their singing. They sing a new song before the throne of God, a song that is theirs alone. Even if anyone else could learn it, no one else would understand it because they lack a relationship with the Lamb. This correlates to God’s relationship with all His peoples. God’s people have always sung. This is most explicit in the Psalms, but it’s also evident in what are likely New Testament hymns in 1 Timothy 3:16 and Colossians 1:13-20, among others. God’s people sing, and this mark shows that they are the followers of the Lamb. Additionally, we see transformation in holiness marking those who belong to God. The 144,000 in Revelation 14 are chaste, truthful, and blameless. While it might seem that these were uniquely pure compared to Christians today, we ought not diminish the significance of the distinguishing mark of holiness. God’s people of all ages should be pure and chaste. We also should abstain from lying and act blamelessly. In fact, the more that we act in these ways, the greater we will distinguish ourselves from the world around us, and as God works through us, the greater impact we will have on our culture. God’s people are distinguished, not just by God, but by the work He does in them. It is my prayer that Liberty Baptist Church would be marked in our culture as clearly as the 144,000 will be distinguished in theirs. Imagine the impact we could have! These marks will grow in us as we let the gospel work in us, for these marks are a practical impact of the gospel in our lives. Still more, it’s a work God promised to start and complete in all who follow Him. “May the God of peace Himself sanctify [us] entirely; and may [our] spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess 5:23).–Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: 1 John 2:7-14–Loving Your Brother
10AM: Pastor Nate–Lamb & Saints–Revelation 14:1-5 (sermon notes)
11:45PM: Potluck
12:30PM: Church Family Meeting
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