A Priest Who Praises

There are times we struggle to believe or accept God’s plans for our lives. We look at our circumstances and abilities, or the lack thereof, and we wonder how and when God will use us. Perhaps you even feel forgotten or too insignificant for God to consider your needs and desires. The opening chapter of Luke is a fascinating look into the heart of God and how He operates. In many ways, Mary and Zachariah are on opposite sides of the spectrum, yet God chose to use these unlikely individuals to accomplish His plan and glorify His name. Despite their many differences and human deficiencies, Mary and Zachariah responded in praise and thanksgiving. When their faith was tested they ultimately chose to believe God and trust in His holy character. In our text this week, we find Zachariah praising God for His faithful love and abundant mercy. God doesn’t look for perfect or significant people; He looks for those who are willing to trust Him. Rather than asking the “where” and “why” questions of God, ask yourself how you can better trust God and bring Him praise. –Pastor Nate

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Aiding Prayer, part 1–Matthew 9:14-15

10AM: Pastor Nate–A Priest Who Praises–Luke 1:57-80 (sermon notes)

No Evening Gathering

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