A Spirit Who Descends

Humility doesn’t come easy. We don’t enjoy being last or being an afterthought to people. We face constant temptation to make a name for ourselves. John the Baptist is one of the people who could have built his own name and his own following. But he knew why God had called him, and he refused the temptation of pride. It couldn’t have been easy; the crowds themselves were ready to follow him as their messiah. But John put himself in his place. He pointed to the one who was coming after him, whose sandal strap John wasn’t even worthy to loosen. The apostle John quoted John the Baptist as saying, “He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Those weren’t mere words with John; he lived them. We should learn from John’s example and use our lives to point to Jesus rather than ourselves. If our lives become about us rather than Jesus, we will likely make disciples of ourselves rather than Jesus. But we make awful saviors. So let’s live our lives in such a way that we have opportunities to point to the One greater than us. Let’s help others see Jesus so they become His disciples instead of making a name for ourselves. –Pastor Rory

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Hearing Sermons–James 1:19

10AM: Pastor Nate–A Spirit Who Descends–Luke 3:15-22 (sermon notes)

11:45AM: Question and Answer with Pastor Nate

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