A Son Who Arrives

Family lineage can be fascinating to study. I think it’s safe to say that regardless of your background, knowing where you came from and to whom you belong piques all our interest at some level; I know it does from me. Just a couple of weeks ago I learned new details about my family tree that go back 400 years. Not only do interesting facts emerge about occupations, religious beliefs, residency, etc., but the fact that God works in time and space to bring about His will and glory through genealogies He took centuries to prepare. The lineage of Jesus is no exception. Luke is careful to supply the genealogy of Christ for the expressed purpose of removing any doubt that Jesus is in fact a descendent of David and the Son of God. The angels affirmed this. Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna, and John the Baptist all attest to this. The anointing of the Spirit and the voice from heaven identify Him as divinely sent and empowered. Now, Luke points to His family tree for additional evidence of believing Jesus as the undisputed Messiah prophesied of old. Why is this important for us today? It’s important to be reminded that Jesus represents all humanity as the son of Adam, that Jesus is connected to the national promises and hope given to Abraham, and that Jesus retains the regal right to sit on the throne of David. Don’t ignore the list of names in Luke chapter 3. Rather, take hope and be encouraged that God works through sinful humanity to accomplish salvation for sinful humanity. As believing Gentiles, we should never tire of marveling at the lineage we have been grafted into (Rom. 4; 11; Gal. 3:26–29). Praise God we can be reconciled to God through Christ who secured our place in God’s family. –Pastor Nate

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Transforming Baptism–Romans 6:1-8

10AM: Pastor Nate–A Son Who Arrives–Luke 3:23-38 (sermon notes)

11:45AM: Pastoral Vote

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