Who We Ought to Be

Thoughts about doomsday motivate some people to try to live it up. The idea is that one might as well enjoy his last moments, since opportunities to enjoy anything near an end. But Scripture presents a different vision. Peter’s discussion of the end of the world in 2 Peter 3 points us to living holy lives set apart for God’s glory. This is important to Peter because his second letter is a condemnation of false teachers. These false teachers were living debauched lives and encouraging others to follow them. They, like those with the attitude to live it up in the last days, ignored the reality that God is a just judge. He is the One who always punishes sin. So we should live in peace, spotless and blameless. We should submit to the Scriptures instead of twisting them to justify our sin. And we should grow in the grace and knowledge of God. The reality of the end of the world isn’t an event that should motivate us to sin. Instead, it should motivate us to pursue the holiness that God demands of the people saved by Him. Then He’ll receive the glory that is due Him, now, in that day, and forever. –Pastor Rory

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Sam De–Missionary Presentation

10AM: Sam De–Who We Ought to Be–2 Peter 3:10-18

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