A Tax Collector Who Reforms

Jesus’s work in our lives is remarkable. To think that He made us, shows us patience, and saved us is amazing. But we live in a world with lots of sorrow, pain, loss, and misery. These realities can discourage us and weigh us down. We may want to give up. In these moments we need a reminder of the amazing grace of the gospel and Jesus’s powerful work in our lives. When Jesus saved and called Levi, Levi celebrated with a feast reflecting the joy that Jesus gave him. The disciples’ lives were not marked by the mournfulness of fasting, but the joy of the bridegroom. Our lives should also reflect this joy. We’re saved! Once we were lost, now we are found. Once we were blind, but now we see. These realities must produce joy. They are transformative. Christians must let the joy of our salvation shine bright, even through the pain, loss, sorrow, and misery of this life. If we reflect joy over complaining, our message will likely carry more weight. If we spoke more of praise than of pain, our neighbors might turn to Jesus. If the joy of the Lord is our strength, let’s share the remarkable joy Christ gave us when He saved us. –Pastor Rory

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Early Baptists and Beginning Missions Efforts

10AM: Pastor Nate–A Tax Collector Who Reforms–Luke 5:27-39 (sermon notes)

6PM: Evening Gathering at the Wagners’

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