A Soil that Bears Fruit

We take God’s Word for granted because we read and hear it so much. This often leads to underestimating the significance of different responses to Scripture. But every time someone proclaims God’s Word, people have the opportunity to receive it so it bears fruit or to reject it. Jesus’s parable of the sower illustrates the different ways people respond to Scripture. We can respond with a hard heart that doesn’t receive the Word at all, giving the devil the opportunity to steal the Word so it never implants and grows. We may also respond with a heart that accepts with eagerness but isn’t prepared for the commitment. In this case, the trials of life scorch the initial growth so that any change withers away. A third response is with a heart that nurtures both the Word and the world. The problem comes when the cares of the world grow faster than the transformation of the Word. These cares choke out the Word so it growth can’t happen. A final response is the humble heart eager to receive God’s truth. This response encourages growth and fruit given the heart’s readiness for genuine change. These responses are a potential every time the Scriptures go forth. We must keep this in mind as we share the Word with others. As the next opportunity to share the Scriptures with the next person comes, Jesus’s parable reminds us that we don’t change hearts, we only sow the Word. But God uses our faithful sowing to bear fruit in hearts that He wants to change for His glory. This is our missional hope. –Pastor Rory

9AM: Bible Training Hour–Brian Trainer

10AM: Pastor Seth–A Soil that Bears Fruit–Luke 8:1-21 (sermon notes)

11:45AM: Missions Banquet

12:30PM: Afternoon Service–Colleen Tronson and MWC

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