A Generation That Doubts

As we enter into the Advent season, it’s difficult to think of a better text in the gospel of Luke to help prepare our hearts and minds than Luke 9:27-35. As we celebrate Christ’s first coming and joyfully anticipate His second coming, it’s helpful to look back to the book of Isaiah to set the context. In Isaiah 40, you will find a prophecy about the glory of the Lord being revealed. Isaiah identifies this glory as the coming of the Messiah (40:5), which Luke later reveals numerous times as Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. We often think of Luke 2 as the primary text that announces the dawning of God’s glory and the joy to the world come in the flesh. But Luke, along with other gospel writers, pulls back the curtain as it were. For the first time, Luke 9 records the glory of God on full display. The Transfiguration of Jesus was not just a reflection of God’s glory like it was for Moses on Mt. Sinai. Jesus was the source of this shining and shimmering glory. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians that the glory of God shines to us in the face of Jesus Christ (4:6). He is, as Malachi 4:2, the “Sun of Righteousness” who arises with healing in His beams. The author of Hebrews attests to this revealed glory by explaining that Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s nature (1:3) and thus the revelation of God’s glory to man. Unfortunately, Luke tells us in the very next paragraph that even after this climactic and glorious event, Jesus is forced to confront some doubting disciples and an unbelieving generation (9:37-42). As we prepare for this Christmas season, may our hearts embrace the Glory of God with renewed faith and joy in the person of Jesus Christ. May His glory overwhelm the shadows of unbelief, and may our gaze turn to Him once again. –Pastor Nate

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Baptists in America–Liberalism’s Fallout

10AM: Pastor Nate–A Generation That Doubts–Luke 9:28-45 (sermon notes)

6PM: Evening Gathering at the Wagners’

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