Christmas is about God and His glory. Too often we make Christmas about us. What will we do? What presents will I get? What will we have to eat? With whom will we spend our time? None of these questions are wrong, in themselves. Planning our time is good; generosity is an imitation of God; and feasting is a reminder of God’s grace. The problem doesn’t lie in these things, but when we pursue them without thought of God. But Christmas is one of the times of year we’ve set aside to focus on God and His work. His work in sending Jesus was to reveal Himself further, to show His glory clearer. Jesus took on flesh to reveal God’s glory, full of grace and truth (Isa 40:5; Jn 1:14). Jesus’s coming helps us realize the fullness of God’s grace, truth, love, justice, power, and so much more. Thinking about this reality will reshape the questions that steal our focus at Christmas. Since Paul reminds us to do everything for God’s glory (1 Cor 10:31), we can plan, give, receive, and feast for His glory. When we make Christmas about us, we empty it of its significance and joy. When we make Christmas about the glory of God, joy, peace, love, and hope abound. So let’s humble ourselves and see God’s glory this Christmas to make the season merry and bright! –Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
10AM: Pastor Nate–God’s Glory Revealed, 1–Isaiah 40:1-5 (sermon notes)
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