Not one of us is worthy of the love of God. We’ve all violated God’s holy demands to the point that we deserve unending separation from Him forever in hell. This fact is true of every human who has ever lived, but that doesn’t mean that everyone acknowledges it. God had mercifully revealed His holiness to the Jews in a way He hadn’t revealed it to any other people on earth. But instead of seeing their unworthiness and depending on God to make them worthy of His presence, they flaunted their position as God’s people and ignored His righteous demands. Then they refused to repent although the law condemned them and proved their unrighteousness. That background led Jesus to announce to the crowds that some of the worst people they could imagine would have lesser judgment than the Jews of Christ’s generation. Jesus’s teaching was like our being told that it would be easier in the judgment for Hitler than for us! But the fact that God reveals Himself at all isn’t for our boasting or self-esteem; it’s to magnify His mercy and glorify His name in the world. May the reality of God’s merciful revelation to us drive us to humble repentance instead of self-righteous pride, and may God’s glory be seen as He changes us. – Pastor Rory Martin
Sunday at Liberty
- BTH: Pastor Rory–Exodus–Moses’s Message & Pharaoh’s Hardening (Ex 4:19-7:7)
- AM: Pastor Rory–Matthew 11:20-30–The Messiah’s Merciful Message (sermon notes)
- PM: Russ Frederick–Isaiah 55:1-9
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