A Virgin Who Worships

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Christians these days talk a lot about praise and worship. But we often have little idea what these concepts are. Praise and worship aren’t perfect synonyms, so mentioning them together can be confusing. Praise is a way of worship, even … Read More

A Bold Fool

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By living in a sin-cursed world, we tend to see God primarily as the righteous Judge, the ultimate Avenger, or the divine Ruler. And why wouldn’t we? The Psalmist states, “God hates the wicked and the one who does violence” … Read More

A Bold Doubter

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Battles are not won by doubters. Champions conquer their foes and overpower their opposition despite the odds or what others might say. But this first begins by believing the truth and defeating fear. The story of Gideon presents a prime … Read More

A Joyful Song

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Music is a powerful medium of communication. The power lies in the compelling language, the memorable words, and the melodic sound. And although we have no sound to the music of Scripture, we still find the Bible’s songs powerful in … Read More

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