Important Announcement from the Pastoral Staff: Due to the precautionary measures strongly encouraged by the healthcare professionals and our Federal and State governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are suspending all services and gatherings effective immediately until further notice. The CDC is currently advising gatherings to be limited to under 50 persons, and the White House administration has advised less than 10 to a gathering. It is our desire that we adhere to these advisements out of respect to our governing officials (Rom. 13:1-5), love for each other and out of deference to our communities (Rom. 12:10; 1 Cor. 10:24). At this time, the leadership of LBC is exploring means by which we can continue to effectively encourage and edify one another for the unity and building up of the body of Christ. We recognize the temporal nature of these circumstances and we are encouraged that God is continually in control of these turbulent times.
May we remain steadfast in our trust in Him and faithful in prayer for our nation and one another. We will be issuing further updates in the days to come.
“We do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in our prayers”
Worship Services Suspended
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