Watching the cycle of seasons each year is always fascinating to me. But no other season excites me more than the season of spring. The cold of winter fades with the arrival of warmer temperatures. New life begins to rapidly grow as it permeates the landscape around us. It is a continual reminder of why we celebrate Easter. The world would have us think it is the reason we celebrate this annual holiday, but the real reason we celebrate Easter is because of the new life we have in Jesus. The resurrection of Christ conquered death and promises newness of life when we too will one day rise. Spring time is a beautiful picture of what Jesus accomplished on our behalf when our dead stony hearts were made alive. He lived the perfect life and died in perfect obedience as the perfect substitute. Jesus became what He was not so that we could become what we are now. Jesus became sin for us on the cross so that we can become righteous in Him before the Father. The purpose of the resurrection solidifies this reality. It affirms our faith, proves the divinity of the God-Man and provides lasting hope in the gospel. The presence of spring should remind us of this hope—not only of the new life we now have, but of the new life that is to come. Without the resurrection, there would be no hope. 1 Peter 1:3 says “He caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Jesus was raised so that we would trust and hope in God. Just as God raised the Son, in like manner He will also raise His children. Regardless of what you face in this life, whether it’s walking through the cold dark valleys of your day, you can feel the warmth of knowing Jesus and the life-giving hope He provides because of what the resurrection accomplished. Rejoice in this truth. And take hope because He is risen indeed! – Pastor Nate Wagner
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Pastor Rory–Titus 3:4-7–Revealing Righteousness, 2
10AM: Pastor Rory–Mark 16:1-12–He Is Risen (sermon notes)
No Evening Worship
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