Unity is certainly hard to find in our culture. We talk about unity and tolerance, but, in reality, we see hardly any of either. Part of the problem is that when most people talk about unity, they actually mean uniformity. The difference between unity and uniformity is stark. Uniformity is being the same, and most of us want everyone to think, act, and believe exactly as we do. We have no room for disagreement or differences. This is why so many people get hung up on race; it’s a difference that they cannot change. Unity on the other hand is harmony, and it’s what Paul encourages the Ephesians to have in the beginning of Ephesians 4. Paul can’t be speaking of uniformity, for he tells them to show humility and gentleness, patience and tolerance. These virtues are not needed when everyone is the same. Humility and gentleness are needed only when my opinions and beliefs differ from someone else because the difference requires me to listen to others and consider their position. Patience and tolerance are also unnecessary in uniformity. What would I need to tolerate if everyone were just like me? In a world that is so strongly polarized over everything from public health to politics, the church must stand in holy contrast to the chaotic milieu. When we can show humility and gentleness, and patience and tolerance to each other, then we can show the world that Christianity is real. This is what Jesus prayed for us in John 17:21, “that they may all be one (unified); even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” This where the wonder of Christianity shines, for we not only stand in contrast to the world, but then we stand in parallel with the Trinity. You see, God is three in one, unity in diversity. Since we are called to be godly, then we also must show unity in diversity. So let’s model the Triune God in our divided culture, and show the world the truth of the Triune God who makes enemies into brothers. – Pastor Rory
One in Christ
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