Life is hard. Sometimes it seems that everyone is against us, and nothing will go right. The Apostle John likely felt that way as he sat in exile on the island of Patmos. He speaks of himself as a fellow partaker of the tribulation and perseverance that come to those who are in Jesus (Rev 1:9). To his credit, he wasn’t quite ready to give up, as he still saw himself as a fellow partaker of the kingdom. He was also doing his best to worship although alone on a Sunday. That’s when God showed His kindness to John by reminding him that he was never alone. Suddenly John heard a voice like a trumpet, and he saw the resurrected Christ as never before. As nice as that was, even better was the hopeful message John received from Jesus. In difficult moments, it’s nice to feel God’s presence, but even more important is to hear God’s words. It is God’s Word that reminds us that Jesus lives. It is God’s Word that announces the defeat of death and the grave. It is God’s Word that helps us understand God’s work in the world. These truths were at the heart of Jesus’s reminder to John. While we may not see a mind-boggling vision of Jesus, we can still read His encouraging words. These words give us hope that death won’t be the end; it can’t win. These words give us an understanding of God’s work and confidence in His purpose. And all of this brings us into sharing in the same tribulation, kingdom, and perseverance that come to those who are in Jesus. Even when the tribulations seem most significant we are bolstered by the hope of life and the hope of the kingdom. And so we persevere, trusting God, believing His Word, and clinging to His hope. So help us, God! –Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Reformation Heroes: Martin Luther and Katharina von Bora, part 2
10AM: Pastor Rory–Trumpet and Assignment–Revelation 1:9-29 (sermon notes)
6PM: Pastor Nate–Everlasting Dominion –Daniel 7:13-14
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