Something amazing happens when we support our global partners. Our support makes us partners in gospel ministry that’s happening all over the world. In his third epistle, John encourages the church to invest in the work of those who are going out for the sake of the Name of Jesus. The church should feel a responsibility to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God, with their needs supplied and their way bathed in prayer. When we act in this way, we become fellow workers with them. That means that their work becomes our work. Imagine being a fellow worker with the men and women who are offering advanced theological training in India, Zambia, Peru, and even here in Minneapolis at Central. Most of us will never formally teach a theology class, yet we can be fellow workers with Kevin Bauder, Jon Stilwell, and others. Imagine being a partner in a church plant that starts from nothing but a one-on-one Bible study in Spain, Uruguay, Brazil, or Eastern Asia. Without setting foot out of the country, we can labor alongside the Grotzkes, the Harmons, the Coelhos, and others. This is a glorious wonder to me. I rejoice that I am counted a fellow worker with men and women who have proven themselves faithful and have sacrificed much to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. But I offer this warning. Let us not be passive and accept this title of fellow worker as automatic. If we are to be fellow laborers, we must labor. Let us pour out our prayers for these global partners, and let us make sacrifices of our own for their financial support. Then let us rejoice in the work God does through a partnership that only He can flourish. We ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth! –Pastor Rory
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Kevin Cassidy–Acts 1–God’s Work in Zambia
10AM: Kyle Cline–Return to Sender–Acts 11:19-30
11:45AM: Missions Banquet
12:30PM: Together for Good–Ministry Presentation
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