Turn on the news, open your social media app, or simply listen to the radio and you can’t help but see and hear of the ravages of sin as it increasingly dominates the landscape of our society. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we don’t have to look very far to see the effects of sin in our own lives. We struggle and fight against natural inclinations to gratify our flesh in various ways at the expense of forsaking our devotion and communion with God. As believers, our hearts are no different than those in first-century Thyatira. We remain susceptible to the same carnal desires and passions of the flesh which we must actively resist. The nature of Christ’s warning in Revelation 2 is stern and serious. Time for repentance has been graciously given, and yet it’s apparent that some within Thyatira had no interest in true repentance because of what it required—a humble commitment to turning away from their acts of passion (2:21). This is a stark reminder of where a pattern of tolerating sin will take us. Our sinful nature fights to drag us down to a debased mindset—a prideful, self-absorbed way of thinking that is apathetic in our resistance to temptation. It’s why Paul says that our flesh wages war against us (2 Cor 10:3). And it’s why he later says to the Romans that we are to “put to death the deeds of the flesh” (8:13). When we become wounded and wearied from the battle, do not lose heart. Rather than giving in, make it your regular practice to deepen your dependence on God who carries you to greener pastures to restore your soul (Ps 23), who shields you from the “flaming arrows,” and who ultimately keeps you from those who would snatch you out of His hand (John 10:29). The threat of our sin nature is constant; it must not be taken lightly. The consequence of our unrepented sin is inevitable; it must not be ignored. But the blessings of repentance are eternal (2:26-27); they must be pursued. As we observe the deadly effects of sin all around us, may we recognize the weakness of our own flesh and our need for daily introspection and repentance. Lasting joy and satisfaction are only found in an intimate relationship with God and God alone. –Pastor Nate
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Reformation Heroes: William Tyndale
10AM: Pastor Rory–Tolerance & Immortality–Revelation 2:18-29 (sermon notes)
6:00PM: Pastor Rory–The Great Forsakening–1 Kings 18:1-19
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