Indifference & Reproof

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No one wants to be thought of as worthless. Of course, that label would be horrible to receive from any person, but imagine the complication of receiving that label from Jesus Christ! Jesus has some harsh words for churches that exclude Him from their identity and mission. If we block Jesus out and neglect fellowship with Him, we are little better than tepid water, not useful for any purpose. What would be worse though is to be worthless but ignorant of our plight. If we base our worth is solely on our temporal life and possessions, we reveal that we are blind to who we really are and our real need. That was the problem in Laodicea, and it sneaks into our lives too. We look at our wealth, and our financial security tempts us to think we’re just fine, but spiritually speaking, our misplaced trust leaves us spiritually poor, blind to our need, and naked before God. But God provides hope in the midst of what might feel hopeless for such a person or a church. He is always providing hope. The rebuke isn’t easy to hear, but it is evidence of His love, and it provides an opportunity for zealous repentance. Repentance is the evidence of the unwavering faith that leads to the fellowship He desires to have with us. He promises that we’ll to sit on a throne beside Jesus in rule and fellowship with Him to draw us back to the relationship that we’ve neglected. Then we’ll be no longer worthless, but useful and valuable in the great work to which we’ve been called. –Pastor Rory

Sunday at Liberty

9AM: Reformation Heroes: Thomas Cranmer // Membership Information Seminar

10AM: Santi Guarnizo–Indifference & Reproof–Revelation 3:13-22 

5:00PM: Potluck

6:00PM: Pastor Rory–What Satisfies–Isaiah 55:1-9 

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