Worship Services will resume May 31, 2020 with a 10am gathering. You can review our preparedness plan here.
Liberty Baptist exists to provide the hope our communities need most in the midst of a global pandemic, the hope of the gospel. At Liberty the gospel is working in us and through us strengthening our resolve in the face of sickness and death and encouraging us to use the life we’ve been given to serve others. This strength and encouragement comes through the life-touching-life discipleship that is at the heart of our gatherings at Liberty.
Over the last ten weeks we have been unable to live fully this life-touching-life discipleship that is so vital to our existence. In a desire to honor our God-ordained leaders and love our community, we have postponed our worship and discipleship gatherings. However, our body has suffered in the interim without the ability to worship, reach out, teach, and fellowship together in-person.
We have concluded that the best way to communicate the hope our community needs is to begin in-person gatherings again. Fear may be driving many people’s decisions at this time. But we want our community to know that death and sickness have no sting in Christ, and that the hope of the resurrection can eliminate all fear.
We want to assure you that our gatherings will not be held carelessly. We have outlined a plan that we believe can mitigate the risk of infection, and because not everyone will be able to meet with us, we will begin implementing a live stream with the goal of discipling and encouraging not only those present, but also those who cannot attend because of health or conscience.
We will not close our doors to anyone who wants to hear about the hope that drives us, but we do ask that all who attend take the necessary precautions which our leaders have outlined and we have posted. Our sincere desire is to give hope in these tumultuous times, a hope embodied in the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. May that hope bless and encourage us all as the gospel continues to work in us and through us.
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