IMPORTANT: The Martins had a positive COVID test in their home this week. While we do not believe that this positive test affects anyone at church, they will be quarantining through the weekend and next week. Because the result came late in the week, we have decided to cancel both the Bible Training Hour and the Evening Praise and Prayer service. We’re sorry for this inconvenience, and we’ll be updating you throughout the week on how this affects other scheduled activities. You can reply to this email with any questions or concerns.
We are thankful even in what seems like upside down times and when nothing seems to make sense that we can hope in our faithful and good God. We rejoice in the fact that He has called us to be His children, saints, set apart from the world. And we hope not in this life, but in the resurrection promise that God will take these perishable bodies and raise them imperishable. And so we stand firm, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, because we know that our labor is never in vain in the Lord. –Pastor Rory
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