The “golden rule” is perhaps one of the fundamental principles you learned early on in your childhood—“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Just the other day I found myself appealing to this line of reasoning with my 4-year-old daughter. As she considers a scenario where circumstances are reversed, she is able to see her behavior from a new perspective. We often live with blind spots with regard to our behavior and priorities. Receiving this basic reminder can help expose self-centered living while providing motivation to change the way we live before others. The Apostle Paul provides a similar point of instruction like that of Christ’s commandment in Matthew 7:12. Likewise, in Ephesians 5, Paul instructs husbands to love their wives as they love their own bodies (5:28). What Paul does is lay the burden of responsibility on the shoulder of husbands to love their wives in very relatable and practical ways. He goes on to use Christ as the ultimate example of what a God-honoring relationship between a husband and wife must look like. The very essence of this kind of love assumes a spirit of humility. There is no room for pride or selfish motives when a husband is properly loving his wife like Christ loves the church. Any sane and reasonable man naturally seeks his own preservation and pleasure, and his ability to do so is based upon what he knows to be true about his own needs. Practically speaking, this kind of love necessitates careful awareness, attention to detail, genuine care for the mundane, and a deep and abiding resolve to intimately know our wives. One reason Christ can care for the church so perfectly is because He knows each one of us perfectly. Paul makes clear that we are one with Christ, as it pertains to our relationship with Him. So our union with our spouses must reflect a true unifying oneness. It is truly a beautiful reality to consider the profound imagery and connection marriage has with Christ and the church. May we continually seek the good of our bride as we imitate Jesus by demonstrating His selfless love. – Pastor Nate
Sunday at Liberty
9AM: Josh De Leon–Storm Surge, 1–Job 14-17
10AM: Pastor Rory–Ephesians 5:25-33–Responsibility in Christ, 2 (sermon notes)
5:30PM: Potluck
6:20PM: Pastor Nate–Genesis 2:23-24–One Flesh
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