
Over the years we have collected a number of books and other media resources to promote the worship of God through resources that show an accurate and high view of God, equip members in evangelism and discipleship, and help members … Read More

Ladies’ Ministry

Our ladies’ ministry plans various activities that emphasizes our responsibility to mutually disciple each other. Ladies of all ages are involved in prayer meetings, Bible studies, accountability, and fellowship activities on a regular basis.


AWANA Clubs is an integral part of our discipleship of children. Because the ultimate prize in studying the Bible is knowing the Bible itself, our AWANA program downplays physical awards to emphasize the spiritual reward of one-to-one reading, memorizing, and … Read More

Bible Training Hour

We offer Bible Training/Sunday school classes for all ages. Children up through seniors in high school have age segregated classes where they are taught the scope and sequence of the stories in the Bible with a gospel focus using RBP’s … Read More

Youth Group

The youth group of Liberty Baptist Church is designed to continue the discipleship started in Sunday school and AWANA as young people transition to adulthood. The youth group meets during the Sunday school hour (9:00am) and on Wednesday nights as … Read More